Tuesday, July 21, 2009



I have recently faced a series of challenges in my life. I will not get specific as I would rather some of the details remain private, but I will share my story of how I fell and was raised up again by a most loving and generous God.

Lately I have felt a bit like Peter in the storm when he failed to trust in God's saving grace and took his eyes off of Jesus for just a moment and started to sink. I was sinking, I looked away, and I doubted. And God loved me anyways. I was the prodigal, knocking at His door for the hundreth, maybe thousandth time. Begging forgiveness, begging for just a place with the swine, and He welcomed me home with open arms and wrapped me in his warm and loving embrace.

It is hard, in these times of economic hardship and negative news, to see God's work in our world. But He is there, watching, waiting for us to call out to Him, to remember that we need His guidance and love in our lives.

So, while I am still in the midst of trials and tribulations, I have been renewed by His love for me. I have been reminded that He is there and can save us no matter how bad things are, we just have to ask and listen. The truth is, God ALWAYS answers prayer, but you have to stop asking long enough to hear the response.

God Bless!

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